Allows clients to record their daily mood as a means to track their wellbeing.
Allows clients to record their daily mood as a means to track their wellbeing.
Provides EAP Coordinators or HR Personnel to access real-time utilization records, EAP Package
Details, and relevant information.
A learning resources library where clients can access a collection of mental health resources such as
self-care activities and dealing with distress.
Clients can check any post-session instructions from their providers, which may include assignments, worksheets, and exercises.
Allows employees to take brief mental health surveys to etermine their mental health state, which can help professionals in developing an intervention.
Shows the record of upcoming, current, and past appointments of the client.
Allows patient to book for their EAP Consultation Sessions such as psychological consultation and
psychiatric consultation.
Shows the upcoming appointments, summary of mental health checks, provider instructions and files,
and EAP details.